Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The Jesus Pages: Misunderstood Jesus

Matthew 10:21 - 42

"Jesus, I thought we were supposed to sit in a circle, hold hands, smoke a joint and sing Kumbaya. What's this about betraying my brother and putting my parents to death? And persecution?!! I thought if I played nice and acted like You we could all get along? Act like You and I could end up in jail or be tortured and put to death? Didn't You come to bring peace and prosperity?"

"And carry my own cross? Excuse me, but I really thought You did that for me! Now You're asking me to stand up on Your behalf when it might be dangerous for me? When my good reputation might get tarnished?"

"And what's this about loving You more than my parents? OK. I can do that. My parents were a little psycho and dysfunctional - not a problem. I think I can do that. But, my children? Wow! Does that mean that I should stand up for Your principles when one of my kids steps out of line? That I let her experience pain - or maybe jail - and not intervene and manipulate things to keep her from hurting?"

"I am getting a different picture of you, Jesus, and it is very stark. I honestly thought you were the Maharashi Kumbaya Jesus. You're sounding like a harsh task master. It sounds like there's a battle going on between good and evil and evil is brandishing its sword. You want me to enter the battle for You? But, I'm a peacenik! Can't you see my peace sign?"

"You say the Devil is coming right for me? Can't you do something, Jesus? You already did? When? Oh, I forgot . . . the cross. Well, that was so messy and so yesterday. And blood's still being spilled today?"

"I honestly got things so confused. This life is not all there is. This is just a blip on the radar screen in light of eternity. Jesus, open my eyes so I can see King Jesus and help me keep my armor on so I can "whup" the devil!"

The Jesus Pages is my journey through the New Testament in one year. I invite you to come along, read the Bible passage and leave comments. (If it's nasty or unrelated, I reserve the right to delete it.)

©2021 Debby Kratovil (kratovil@his.com)

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