Saturday, January 9, 2021

The Jesus Pages: How Not to Be a Hypocrite

Matthew 6:1-18

Why are you doing what you do? Who is your audience? Jesus says to be careful that our motives be to influence the right audience. To impress people, then that's your reward. To get God's attention, then God will reward you because your motivation is right. 

If you see needy people, you don't need to put on a show. If you really care about meeting their need, then do it without anyone knowing. Kind of hard, right? But isn't that what God does all the time? He sees a need, a million needs, fills them and doesn't sit up in heaven wringing his hands hoping that people will notice. He gives without thought of return. That is how we are to live. That is diametrically opposed to how a hypocrite lives. 

Jesus is our example. There was more witness in how He lived than in the deeds and empty words of a hypocrite. God doesn't fall asleep; He sees everything we do. And he will be the one to reward us, not the fickle bystanders we think we want to impress. Get over it. Impress the right person!

The Jesus Pages is my journey through the New Testament in one year. I invite you to come along, read the Bible passage and leave comments. (If it's nasty or unrelated, I reserve the right to delete it.)

©2021 Debby Kratovil (

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